List Of Person Who Recognized As Father / Mother Of A Subject - J&K Education Hub

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List Of Person Who Recognized As Father / Mother Of A Subject

Subject nameScientist name
Father of Modern PhysicsGalileo Galilei
Father of Modern AstronomyNicolaus Copernicus
Father of Nuclear PhysicsErnest Rutherford
Father of Nuclear ScienceMarie Curie and Pierre Curie
Father of MicroscopyAntonie Philips van Leeuwenhoek
Father of Western MedicineHippocrates
Father of InternetVint Cerf
Father of the American ConstitutionJames Madison
Father of the Indian ConstitutionDr. B.R. Ambedkar
Father of HumanismFrancesco Petrarca
Father of GeometryEuclid of Alexandria
Father of New FranceSamuel de Champlain
Father of GeneticsGregor Mendel
Father of the Green RevolutionNorman Ernest Borlaug
Father of the Green Revolution in IndiaM.S Swaminathan
Father of BiologyAristotle
Father of EvolutionCharles Darwin
Father of MicrobiologyAntonie van Leeuwenhoek
Father of Nuclear ChemistryOtto Hahn
Father of Periodic TableDmitri Mendeleev
Father of modern MedicineHippocrates
Father of Modern PhysicsGalileo Galilei
Father of Modern AstronomyNicolaus Copernicus
Father of Nuclear PhysicsErnest Rutherford
Father of Nuclear ScienceMarie Curie and Pierre Curie
Father of American FootballWalter Camp
Father of Walter CampGeoffrey Chaucer
Father of modern OlympicPierre De Coubertin
Father of NumbersPythagoras
Father of BotanyTheophrastus
Father of ElectricityBenjamin Franklin
Father of ElectronicsMichael Faraday
Father of TelevisionVladimir K. Zworykin
Father of TelephoneAlexander Graham Bell
Father of Mobile PhoneMartin Cooper
Father of LaptopBill Moggridge
Father of PsychologySigmund Freud
Father of SurgerySushruta
Father of Plastic SurgerySir Harold Gillies
Father of AyurvedaDhanwantari
 Name of the Father Name of the Subject or Field
Father of PhysicsAlbert Einstein
Father of ZoologyAristotle
 Father of Law Cicero
Father of AyurvedaCharaka
Father of BotanyTheophrastus
Father of Blood groupsLandsteiner
Father of StatisticsRonald Fisher
Father of Modern ChemistryAntoine Lavoisier
Father of BiologyAristotle
 Father of Homeopathy Samuel Hahnemann
Father of HistoryHerodotus
Father of ElectricityBenjamin Franklin
 Father of the Indian Constitution Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
Father of AlgebraDiophantus
 Father of the American Constitution James Madison
Father of GeneticsGregor Johann Mendel
Father of MicrobiologyLouis Pasteur
Father of GeometryEuclid
Father of InternetVinton Cerf
 Father of Medicine Hippocrates
Father of RoboticsAl-Jazari
Father of RoboticsNikola Tesla
Father of Video gameThomas T. Goldsmith, Jr.
Father of TrigonometryHipparchus
 Father of Taxonomy Carolus Linnaeus
 Father of the Green Revolution Norman Ernest Borlaug
Father of ElectronicsRay Tomlinson
 Father of Search engine Alan Emtage
 Father of the Green Revolution in India M.S Swaminathan
Father of EconomicsAdam Smith
Father of NanotechnologyRichard Smalley
Father of C languageDennis Ritchie
Father of ArchitectureImhotep
 Father of Surgery (early) Sushruta
 Father of Periodic table Dmitri Mendeleev
 Father of World Wide Web Tim Berners-Lee
